The fresh approach to Rural Insurance - Rural Affinity

Major Claim Events

This season there have been a number of large hail events that have caused severe damage to winter crops in several regions of Australia.

A large hail storm on the 24th of August caused severe damage to crops growing in northern NSW around the Moree shire as well as losses in the southern QLD shire of Waggamba and surrounding areas.

Another large hail event occurred in the Western Australia shire of Lake Grace on the 17th of October. Damage to crops was severe with some crops completely destroyed.

Large losses have also been recorded in northern NSW and southern QLD from storms which started around the 27th October and continued for several days. The town of Chinchilla in QLD suffered extensive hail damage to crops as well as buildings and vehicles in this event.

The insurance council of Australia has an initial figure of $36.6 million for the losses in the South Australia fires. The affected area was approximately 82,000 hectares, with close to 500 buildings destroyed.

Grain producers South Australia has estimated 60,000 Ha of crops have been lost.

The fires around Esperance in Western Australia led to the destruction of more than 200,000 hectares, with an estimated 15,000 sheep killed in the fire. Early indications have cropping losses between $58- $87 million based on an estimated loss of 200,000-300,000 tonnes of grain.  (Sourced from Australian Financial review).