The fresh approach to Rural Insurance - Rural Affinity

Complaint and Dispute Resolution Procedure

Any complaints about Our products or services are taken seriously by Us and will be dealt with fairly and promptly.

If You have a complaint please first try to resolve it by speaking to a member of the Rural Affinity staff.  Rural Affinity will acknowledge receipt of Your complaint and Rural Affinity can assist by referring the matter to their Internal Dispute Resolution Officer for further review.

You can contact Rural Affinity by:

Phone:    (02) 9496 9300
Fax:          (02) 9496 9308
Mail:         Internal Disputes Resolution Officer
                Rural Affinity PO Box 160, St Leonards NSW 1590

If Rural Affinity’s Dispute Resolution Officer requires additional information, they will contact You to discuss. Rural Affinity will keep you informed about the progress of the review of Your complaint at least every ten (10) business days, unless the matter is resolved earlier or You agree a different timeframe.  Unless a different timeframe is agreed, Rural Affinity will advise you of the outcome of the review within fifteen (15)1 business days of receipt of Your complaint. 

If You are not satisfied with the resolution offered by Rural Affinity’s Internal Dispute Resolution Officer, Rural Affinity will refer your complaint to the Dispute Resolution Officer or their delegate at the applicable underwriter (either Great Lakes Australia or Lloyd’s/Talbot). Correspondence provided by Rural Affinity’s Internal Dispute Resolution Officer will contain details of the relevant underwriter.

For policies underwritten by Great Lakes Australia, You can contact Great Lakes Australia by:

Mail:      Disputes Resolution Officer
             Great Lakes Australia PO Box H35, Australia Square NSW 1215

For policies underwritten by Lloyds’s (Talbot), You can contact Lloyd’s Australia Limited by:

Phone: (02) 8298 0783
Mail:      Disputes Resolution Officer
             Level 9, 1 O’Connell Street, Sydney NSW 2000

If Great Lakes Australia or Lloyd’s Australia Limited are unable to resolve Your complaint within thirty (30) calendar days of the date your complaint was received by Rural Affinity or if You remain unsatisfied, You may refer your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) for a free review. The AFCA is an independent national body and, if the complaint is heard by AFCA, We will be bound by its decision.

You can visit their website or contact them:

Phone:    1800 931 678
Email: Mail: GPO Box 3, Melbourne, VIC, 3001

Further details regarding Our complaints process are available on request.

If you require additional assistance to lodge a complaint, for example an interpreter, please visit to find out more about accessing the right support for you, or contact our Internal Dispute Resolutions Officer.

1 With effect from 1 July 2021 for Lloyd’s Australia Limited, the fifteen (15) business days referred to above will be amended to ten (10) business days.